Trine men’s basketball team honored at White House
By: Mike Stiles -
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
(photo courtesy of Trine University)
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Already celebrated nationally for their NCAA Division III championship, the Trine University men's basketball team made a trip to the White House on Monday, July 22. The Thunder were one of more than 40 championship teams representing all NCAA divisions hosted at the second annual White House College Champions Day. Dr. Rick L. James, chair of Trine's Board of Trustees, flew the team to Washington D.C. and back on his private jets. Trine University Coach Brooks Miller says to be recognized at the White House for all our hard work is very humbling. Miller says it was a great experience and an honor to represent Trine University on such a grand stage. Teams participated in a self-guided tour of the White House, concluding on the South Lawn. One representative from each team was on stage as Vice President Kamala Harris, Jordynn Dudley, a member of the national championship Florida State University women's soccer team, and Lynda Tealer, NCAA senior vice president of championships, addressed the championship teams. Emmanuel Megnanglo, a native of Benin who represented Trine men's basketball on the stage, expressed gratitude to the university for the opportunities it has given him.